All the Power to All the People!


All you need is love… and peanut butter!

Organizing a street team in your own city is simple. Gather up some friends, make a few lunch bags and pass them out to your neighbors on the streets. What’s in a lunch bag? We recommend keeping it simple and affordable so you can reach as many folks as possible. Our lunch bags consist of the following: 

  • (1) PB&J sandwich

  • (1) Orange

  • (1) Banana


You got this!

We encourage you to reach out to local shops, bakeries and cafes to ask for donations and supplies. You’ll be amazed how generous people can be when given an opportunity to help out.  Most important of all — talk to your unhoused friends when passing out sandwiches! Because at the end of the day, that’s what this is all about — one person talking to another, building community one sandwich at a time.